Vocabulary and Expressive Language:
61-64 Months:
- Vocabulary continues to expand, with approximately 6,000 to 8,000 words or more.
- Uses complex sentences with correct grammar and a variety of conjunctions.
- Expresses ideas, opinions, and emotions with precision.
- Engages in more advanced conversations with adults and peers.
64-68 Months:
- Vocabulary continues to grow, with 8,000 to 10,000 words or more.
- Uses complex sentence structures and demonstrates an advanced command of language.
- Expresses abstract ideas and concepts effectively.
- Tells stories and narratives with well-defined plots and character development.
68-72 Months:
- Vocabulary continues to expand, with 10,000 words or more.
- Engages in sophisticated conversations, discussing a wide range of topics.
- Uses advanced language features, such as metaphors, similes, and analogies.
- Shows an interest in wordplay, jokes, and storytelling.
Receptive Language:
61-64 Months:
- Understands and follows complex instructions and directions.
- Listens actively during conversations, demonstrating good comprehension.
- Shows an understanding of advanced spatial concepts (e.g., near, far, beside).
- Enjoys listening to and comprehending longer and more complex stories and narratives.
64-68 Months:
- Understands and follows instructions that involve abstract or hypothetical thinking.
- Demonstrates proficiency in understanding advanced spatial concepts and relationships.
- Shows an ability to make predictions about stories and events.
- Recognizes and understands figurative language, such as metaphors and idioms.
68-72 Months:
- Understands and follows instructions that require higher-level thinking and problem-solving.
- Shows an advanced understanding of figurative language, including sarcasm and humor.
- Demonstrates an ability to analyze and interpret complex narratives and stories.
- Enjoys engaging in discussions on abstract and philosophical topics.
Speech Sound Development:
61-64 Months:
- Speech sounds continue to improve, and articulation is highly accurate.
- Pronounces all speech sounds correctly.
- Speech is highly intelligible to both familiar and unfamiliar listeners.
64-68 Months:
- Demonstrates continued precision and clarity in speech sound production.
- Uses a variety of speech sounds effectively and accurately.
- Conversational speech is easily understood by all listeners.
68-72 Months:
- Mastered speech sound development with clear articulation.
- Uses more advanced speech sounds and blends effectively in words.
- Speech is highly intelligible and easily understood by all listeners.
Social Communication:
- Engages in cooperative play with peers and adults.
- Initiates and maintains conversations, demonstrating good listening skills.
- Shows empathy and comfort with emotions, both their own and others’.
- Demonstrates effective communication in various social situations.
Gross Motor Skills:
61-64 Months:
- Demonstrates excellent running skills with coordination and agility.
- Jumps and hops with precision, achieving both height and distance.
- Climbs confidently on a variety of playground equipment.
- Throws and catches a ball with increasing accuracy.
64-68 Months:
- Rides a bicycle with ease and control, including balancing without training wheels.
- Hops and skips with advanced skill and coordination.
- Climbs complex playground structures with ease.
- Participates in organized sports and physical activities.
68-72 Months:
- Shows advanced running skills, including sprinting and changing direction with ease.
- Jumps and leaps with greater height, precision, and control.
- Demonstrates improved hand-eye coordination in throwing and catching activities.
- Engages in sports and physical activities with increased competence.
Fine Motor Skills:
61-64 Months:
- Writes letters and numbers with increased legibility.
- Demonstrates precision in fine motor tasks, such as intricate beadwork and detailed painting.
- Shows advanced control and coordination when threading and lacing.
- Ties shoelaces independently with confidence.
64-68 Months:
- Writes letters and numbers with advanced precision and control.
- Engages in detailed and intricate fine motor tasks, such as sewing and using small tools.
- Demonstrates proficiency in intricate tasks like puzzles and construction projects.
- Shows increased independence in self-care tasks requiring fine motor skills.
68-72 Months:
- Writes with excellent legibility and control, using cursive or joined handwriting.
- Engages in intricate fine motor tasks with ease, such as complex beadwork and precision painting.
- Demonstrates superior control and precision in threading, lacing, and other fine motor activities.
- Ties shoelaces and performs other fine motor tasks with advanced proficiency.
Balance and Coordination:
- Balances on one foot with ease and for extended periods.
- Shows advanced control and precision in activities that require balance, such as walking along narrow surfaces.
- Engages in activities that involve advanced jumping, hopping, skipping, and dancing with coordination.
- Demonstrates excellent hand-eye coordination in activities like catching and throwing.
Self-Care and Independence:
- Achieves full independence in self-care tasks, including dressing, grooming, and personal hygiene.
- Demonstrates advanced self-feeding skills with utensils, including cutting food effectively.
- Washes hands and brushes teeth independently and effectively.
- Achieves full mastery of toileting and personal hygiene routines.
Play and Social Skills:
- Engages in imaginative and pretend play with peers and toys, creating complex scenarios and stories.
- Plays cooperatively with peers, demonstrating leadership and effective communication in games.
- Shows advanced problem-solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation skills in play.
- Enjoys a wide range of creative and active play activities, including organized group games and sports.
Fine Motor Skills:
61-64 Months:
- Writes letters and numbers with increased legibility and control.
- Demonstrates precision in fine motor tasks, such as intricate beadwork, sewing, and detailed painting.
- Shows advanced control and coordination when threading, lacing, and using small tools.
- Ties shoelaces independently with confidence.
64-68 Months:
- Writes with excellent legibility and control, including cursive or joined handwriting.
- Engages in detailed and intricate fine motor tasks, such as using small tools and creating intricate crafts.
- Demonstrates proficiency in intricate tasks like puzzles and construction projects.
- Shows increased independence in self-care tasks requiring fine motor skills.
68-72 Months:
- Continues to excel in fine motor skills, with advanced precision and control in writing and other activities.
- Engages in complex fine motor tasks with ease, such as sewing, knitting, and precision painting.
- Demonstrates superior control and precision in threading, lacing, and other fine motor activities.
- Ties shoelaces and performs other fine motor tasks with advanced proficiency.
Visual-Motor Skills:
61-64 Months:
- Completes complex puzzles with smaller and more intricate pieces.
- Engages in activities that require advanced visual-motor integration, such as drawing detailed pictures and following complex mazes.
- Demonstrates an understanding of advanced spatial concepts and relationships.
64-68 Months:
- Excels in visual-motor integration tasks, including intricate drawing, tracing, and detailed artwork.
- Enjoys activities that require planning and execution of complex visual-motor tasks.
- Demonstrates proficiency in understanding and applying advanced spatial concepts.
68-72 Months:
- Continues to excel in visual-motor integration tasks, including complex drawing, tracing, and intricate artwork.
- Engages in advanced activities that require planning and execution of complex visual-motor tasks.
- Shows proficiency in understanding and applying advanced spatial concepts and relationships.
Self-Care Skills:
- Achieves full independence in self-care tasks, including dressing, grooming, and personal hygiene.
- Demonstrates advanced self-feeding skills with utensils, including cutting food effectively.
- Washes hands and brushes teeth independently and effectively.
- Achieves full mastery of toileting and personal hygiene routines.
Play and Social Skills:
- Engages in imaginative and pretend play with peers and toys, creating complex scenarios and stories.
- Plays cooperatively with peers, demonstrating leadership and effective communication in games.
- Shows advanced problem-solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation skills in play.
- Enjoys a wide range of creative and active play activities, including organized group games and sports.
Cognitive Skills:
- Demonstrates advanced cognitive abilities, including critical thinking and logical reasoning.
- Shows an increased ability to plan and organize tasks and activities.
- Engages in complex problem-solving tasks and enjoys puzzles, games, and challenges.
- Demonstrates an interest in and ability to follow more complex instructions and directions.
These therapy milestones are general guidelines, and children develop at their own pace. If you have concerns about your child’s development, please reach out to the clinic to schedule an evaluation. Early intervention can be beneficial in addressing any concerns.